Windows multiple client installation not working


I followed the steps shown here to create a video wall.

I am able to see only 1 device in the CMS and am able to broadcast data on it. Tried uninstalling and again followed steps mentioned above, didn’t work. Deleted windows registry files also to make sure all the settings are deleted. Still no luck.

CMS: 1.8
Client: 1.8.0-win32-x86

Thanks in advance!

There are two ways in which you can proceed:

  1. Different content, different players on one PC

You will need to open player options on the copied Xibo player then on advanced tab change the Display ID (hardware key).

Once that’s done when you connect that player to the CMS it will create separate record for it on the Displays page.

With that, you can then navigate to the Display settings page -> create new display profile -> specify the size and offset of the second player and assign that display profile to your second display

  1. Same content across multiple screens with one Xibo player

In this case you only need one player with probably new display profile assigned to it, in that new display profile you will set the size of the player to 2 monitors (or more of course) ie for example lets say you have 2 monitors with 1920x1080 resolution and you want to show Xibo across them both, then the size of the player would be 3840x1080.

In this case you will also need layout aspect ratio to match your combined screens aspect ratio.

Thanks Peter. That helped. But I am facing more challenges in this.

On a fresh setup on a separate Windows machine, the one client directly opens on the configuration of other and there is no way I can open the configuration screen of 2nd client. So basically, I am not able to edit the hardware key. There is no information about the hardware key in the config file (XiboClient.exe.config) also. Did a reinstall also.

The other challenge is, 2 clients open but there is not way I can move the 2nd client’s window to the extended display. How do I do that?

As described in the manual page you linked, you need to create a shortcut and add an ‘o’ argument to it.

ie something like:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Xibo Player2\XiboClient2.exe" o

The path to the .exe in your copied player and o argument as above.

As I already said, the size and offset of a player is configured in the display profile on Display settings page in CMS.

Got confused with the mentioned step # 5…I had created shortcut on the desktop for only the 2nd client - XiboClient2.exe to append “o” at the end of the target path as step 5 in the link mentioned NEW

Step 5 - Create a short cut to the new EXE which has the character o in the arguments section.

Created shortcuts for both clients and added “o” at the end of the target path. Now I can configure both the clients with different hardware keys.

I also kept the library paths of both the clients different as keeping the same path changed the value in hardware key file leading both clients to show the same media content and schedule.

About the offset, it didn’t seem to work on my laptop.Tried on a desktop and seems to work. I changed the offset to show both displays on the same monitor. Will try with an extended display now.

I am trying to set up a 2x1 displays video wall and have created 2 layouts with videos and scheduled both the layouts at the same time making sure the video is downloaded on the Windows machine ahead of the scheduled time to avoid latency. However, there is a lag in starting of layout on screen 2. How do I solve this?

Xibo does not support sync between displays, in 1.8 with XMR it should be really close, but might not be ideal.

We aim to support playback synchronisation with new cross-platform player in 1.9 series - Cross Platform Player Specification


We have been scheduling layouts on multiple displays (Android) and all change at the exact same time as per the schedule. In case of Windows, the client installed on the same machine should ideally start playing layouts at the exact same time as the time is same for both the clients. I am wondering what could be the reason for latency…