Windows clients connection error message?

I am tryiung to solve a very bad issue with my Windows clients… because my Windows clients are not connecting properly!

When pushing the connect button ijn player settings: this message appears.
" client discovered the content type from the answer was text/plain; charset=UTF-8, but expected text/xml.The request failed with the following error message: --"

Which is obviously not very helpfull, what can I do to troubleshoot

Hi @CASTELALLEY , as you appear to be a Cloud customer, you can open Support tickets for our Helpdesk team by visiting Tickets - My Account | Xibo Digital Signage

The reason for the error is likely because you are trying to use a newer player version which is not compatible with the older version of the CMS that you are using.

Please can you tell me the version of the player and the version of the CMS?

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