What is the right way to configure XMR on CMS and Player?

Thanks Dan,

XMR is running now as you can see :slight_smile:

But what happen when i send out a command to my Windows Client :slight_smile:

The windows box still running althought i send out a Shutdown command.

P/S : I also have problem when configuring XMR listen on just 1 port instead of port range in the config.json
xmr.ERROR: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() [] []

When you have just one, it should look like:

"pubOn": ["tcp://"]

I.e. it is still in an array, but just with one element.

The messages you see logged in that window would indicate that something is happening :slight_smile: - the channel part of the string identifies the display, the rest some encrypted data.

The next thing to look at is the status window on the player to see what the XMR connection message says at the bottom (it is possible for XMR to broadcast, but nothing to be listening)

Its difficult for me to find out what going on is ?.

I keep send out commands and also schedule command to display but nothing happen

Well it seems to be connected and receiving messages from XMR - you could try requesting a screenshot to see if that comes through OK?

You could also enable auditing in the display settings profile to see if you get any other interesting messages logged in the status window.

Hi Dan,

Sorry, it does not work with Sreen Shot Request

I received “Expired Message” only .

P/S : I am wondering is that possible to send out a keyevent to Android Box via Command feature ?
ex: I would like to send out “input keyevent XXX”


If you can get a key event processing via a BAT file on the player, then you can call that BAT file.

This might be a bug then - do you have a difference between your CMS and Player time zones?


I still not able to make a command work with this beta verion.
I sent out a command to Windows Client and saw that the client has received the command but client could not execute it.
The commands i used is :

  • shutdown.exe -s -t 00
  • shutdown -h now
  • shutdown /s

How do you have that set up in the CMS?

Are you sure that your display settings profile has those commands configured?

The previous problem - was that related to the timezone?

The shutdown command is an administrative command. User Account Control may be blocking the command from being preformed. I would suggest disabling that if it is not.

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Hi Dan,

I am sure that the previous problem was not related to the timezone.

I created these commands via “Display > Commands > Add Command”

And then come to the Display and send a command directly

(P/S : this CMS does not show the Current Layout, i think maybe a bug)
I dont know what the purpose of “Command” tab in Display profile is ?

You’ve not got that quite right - please read the instructions again: http://xibo.org.uk/manual-tempel/en/displays_commands.html

Your “code” needs to be a short one word code and your command string needs to be set on any display settings profile you want to use that command on.

Is “Notify Current Layout” enabled in Display Settings?

Thanks for pointing me the right way here.
I have already taken a glance at that guide at the first time but the “Code” field makes me confused.So i did a wrong way( or maybe the CMS make me think a wrong way at first time)

Although i can send some commands out now and relized that commands has been received by clients(Windows and Android) but i still no lucky to make it works.
I am going to figure out what the reason is.

The Notify Current Layout is a new feature so i I did not paying attention on this.

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Sure, you aren’t the first person to find the “code” field confusing, perhaps we need to rename it as “Reference” or something like that?

Also perhaps a note on the edit form to suggest that you need to configure the final command string on each Display Profile.

I’ll take these points on board and create a bug for it.

Do you know when a XMR enabled Android client might be released?

I’ll drop you a link to get a private beta of it.

Hi All,
I’d like to run XMR in the vagrant VM but PHP isn’t available in the VM machine…
So when I try to run
>php xmr.phar
I get this error:
The program 'php' is currently not installed. To run 'php' please ask your administrator to install the package 'php5-cli'
Which is the right way to do that?

Thank you in advance!

If you are using our dev vagrantfile, then XMR is already running for you and available within the vagrant machine - you can see which containers you have running by doing

docker ps -a

You should see:

  • cms-db
  • cms-web
  • cms-xmr

The public XMR port of 9505 is mapped into vagrant for you and the cms-web container is linked with cms-xmr on port 50001 (the private XMR port).

So your CMS configuration should be

Make sense?

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Hi Dan and thanks for your patience (as usual :slight_smile: ).
This make sense and add a bit to my knowledge base :slight_smile:
I have all 3 services up and running…
Now I’ve some problem Player side… I can’t understand how to setup XMR ip in the windows player…
Can you help me again? :blush:

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So the players will get the XMR IP address sent to them in their display configuration (which gets sent when they Register). It is taken from the public XMR address unless you’ve specified an alternative address in the active Display Settings Profile for that Display.

I’ve just realised I mad a boo-boo in my previous message - those URL’s aren’t http:// addresses, they are tcp:// addresses!

That might be your problem.

The XMR address and status is shown on the player information screen (i on keyboard when the player is running). The player will also need to send some crypto information back to the CMS. You can check it has done that by showing the “XMR Registered” column on the Display grid in the CMS - if it has registered OK it will be a tick.

Ok, Dan. Now XMR address is configured.
But Win Player throw this exception:

XmrSubscriber|10/08/2016 16:16:08|Error|XmrSubscriber - Run|Unable to Subscribe to XMR: La lunghezza non può essere minore di zero.
Nome parametro: length

Thrown on this line of code in XmrSubscriber class:


ApplicationSettings.Default.XmrNetworkAddress has “” value that is my vagrant machine…