WebOS Commands Not applicable


CMS version: 3.3.3
Display: WebOS 4.XX

We have a few LG TVs with webOS 4 and although they are working fine I discovered an issue, the Basic Commands. When I push them directly to the display or Schedule them nothing happens.

I tried to follow the instructions from webOS Display Commands | Xibo Digital Signage and Command Functionality | Xibo Digital Signage to create a new RS232 command but is came back with an error message that “the command was found but is not applicable.”

Before opening a ticket I wanted to ask here if anyone is or experienced a similar issue.

Thank you!

Hi Nomis, thank you for your message.

To help better understand your issue, can you confirm:

  • The model number of the webOS 4 display you are using.
  • What version of the Xibo for webOS player are you using?
  • What RS232 command have you created, and what is it supposed to do? Can you show me the command in a screenshot?
  • What commands have you tried with your webOS display?

The reboot command is a good way to test if the command functionality is working. Please note that Send Command requires XMR to be configured and working. Scheduling a command should work, as long as the player has had enough time to connect to your CMS, download the scheduled command before it is due to execute on the display.

Many Thanks.

  • The model number of the webOS 4 display you are using.


  • What version of the Xibo for webOS player are you using?


  • What RS232 command have you created, and what is it supposed to do? Can you show me the command in a screenshot?

LG 55LK520

    • Power On - rs232|COM1,9600,8,None,One,None,1|6B 61 20 30 30 20 30 31 0D
  • What commands have you tried with your webOS display?
    dysplayoff/display off

Timers in the Display profile work:

Tested a Wake on Lan and it works.

I installed LG SuperSign to manage them and saw that the software send a different code:


The reboot command is not working and is configured as bellow:

not sure if this is correct, same for poweroff/poweroff.

Hi Nomis.

There are a couple of points in your replies I wanted to respond to:

  1. The SM5KE is a display in of itself. How have you connected the SM5KE to your LK520?

  2. RS232 commands are not supported with Xibo for webOS, my apologies for any inconvenience caused.

  3. Your reboot command is not set up correctly. You can see in your screenshot that the command has not been entered, it is empty:

Your command for a reboot should look like this screenshot below. You can see under where it says Free Text, I have entered the command reboot:

This applies to all commands, including displayon and displayoff. Please can you correct that command and try again? Please be sure to try scheduling the command and sending it, as both use different methods to pass the command to the display.

Thank you @DanBW
I got a bit confused as the default commands were empty for me.
I tried an alternative via RS232 after reading the mentioned article…guess I went a total wrong direction.

I corrected the commands as you indicated and tested.
but still noting

Display status
  • appVersion: 2
  • appVerCode: 213
  • cmsAddr: http://*********’
  • deviceModel: 43SM5KE-BJ
  • firmwareVersion: 04.10.10
  • memoryTotal: 1984 MB
  • memoryFree: 103 MB
  • memoryUsed: 1496 MB
  • spaceTotal: 3.93 GB
  • spaceFree: 2.83 GB
  • spaceUsed: 906.4 MB
  • spaceAvail: 71%
  • displayName: 1.15 right
  • licenseValue: Licensed.
  • cmsRegistered: true
  • currentLayout: 2227
  • screenSize: 1920 x 1080
  • screenShotInterval: 600
  • cmsRegInfo: Registered.
  • cmsRegInfoTime: 21/12/2023 13:05:12
  • scheduleStatus: Up to date.
  • downloadedFiles: 59
  • totalFiles: 59
  • remainingFiles: 0
  • failedXMDSConnections: 0
  • allLayouts: [“308* (D)”,“2227”]
  • nextLayout: 2227
  • scheduledLayouts: [“2227”]
  • validLayouts: [“308”,“2227”]
  • invalidLayouts:
  • blacklistArray:
  • logMessagesArray: [{“date”:“2023-12-21 07:00:16”,“category”:“audit”,“message”:“Application start at Thu Dec 21 2023 07:00:16 GMT+0100 ()”,“onlyOnce”:false},{“date”:“2023-12-21 07:00:21”,“category”:“audit”,“message”:“License acquired!”,“onlyOnce”:false,“method”:“connectToServer”,“thread”:“LicenseManager.checkLicenseServer”},{“date”:“2023-12-21 07:00:24”,“category”:“audit”,“message”:"
  • updateWindowStart: 00:00
  • updateWindowEnd: 00:00
  • versionInformationCMS: 2294.ipk

A screenshot from yesterday

Since we are closing for holidays I opted for running the LG’s: SperSign software to tun off the TVs and deal with this issue next year.

Thanks again for all the help and wish you all the best holidays!!

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Thank you for the update Nomis. I will wait until you are available again after the holidays so we can take another look at this together. I hope you have a great time!

Now that we know that RS232 is not supported on Xibo for webOS, I would still like to confirm with you:

  1. The SM5KE is a display in of itself. How have you connected the SM5KE to your LK520?
  2. Could you send me a screenshot of your commands that you tried again so I can be sure they are set up correctly?
  3. Am I correct that you again tried sending the commands, but also that you tried scheduling the commands?

Many Thanks.

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