Weather Widget updates very infrequent with CMS v4.1


We are testing a new CMS v4.1 docker server, with a bunch of different client systems, to evaluate if we can upgrade our CMS v3.3.12 production server.

With our LG webOS v404 Display we have the problem that the Weather Widget updates the data only once a day it seems. I run tests over a week now and that are my observation:

18.9 15:00 - up to date
19.9 10:05 - data from 18.9
19.9 12:00 - up to date
23.9 10:50 - data from 21.9
23.9 11:05 - up to date
24.9 10:45 - data from 23.9
24.9 11:20 - up to date
25.9 10:35 - data from 24.9

We have our free ‘One Call API 3.0’-key in the ‘Open Weather Map’-connector. Our cache settings are 3600s / 4h and we have checkt the ‘Active’-toggle.

Can you reproduce this behavior, be it a bug in the CSM or something else?

Hi Patrick_Puddu.

Please can you try upgrading your webOS player to R405 and confirm if you see the same behaviour?

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