Weather triggered content

Is it possible to trigger content by the weather ? For instance certain content when it is cold or hot outside. Trigger videos or actually any type of content.
Would be extremely helpful.

Thanks !

There’s no functionality like that in Xibo at present. I’ve converted your question to a feature request so that it’s considered for future implementation.

Thank you. I know a few other systems out there offer it - but don’t
any where near what Xibo does.

I would imagine this being an API application which runs outside Xibo and connects to a weather source (or even a sensor :smile:).

As such you could already do this with 1.8.0-alpha using the new API.

that is actually what i want to do .

Use 1.8 + … have a video / image, etc tied to Forecast and a trigger

Example …

80 + Degrees - certain video / image is displayed

60-80 degrees - certain video / image is displayed

Etc …

based on current temperate of the Device location.

You might be able to modify my example of using the sunrise and sunset times to change a background to do this currently.

Although having an actual module in Xibo would be much better.

Dan could what he is using for the images utilize a dataset for the images ?
That way the systems would cache the images and not reach our each time … Thanks

We would need this: for the forecast module too - I have opened an enhancement request for it.

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That is a feature request I made long ago :smiley: (Well at least somewhat) I will be very happy to see that.

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Still hoping for this