We are not able to access the account and the manager

We are not able to access the account and the manager. We are experiencing this problem a few days ago, could help nos ?

What can’t you access your account on please?

We are unable to log in. I put the email and password , but when I access , nothing happens.

I understand that, but what is it you’re trying to log in to please?

We are not able to access the layout to check the screens

Right so you can’t log in to your Xibo CMS?

In that case, where is it hosted? Is it on a server you own or do you pay someone to host it for you?

We pay the server is paid for hosting , it is the locaweb .

Please keep your replies to English.

Who do you pay for the hosting for your Xibo CMS? It may be that you need to contact them directly.

Who hosts our Xibo is Locaweb

Right I see.

So if it’s not letting you log in and you’re sure the username and password are correct, try a different web browser.

If that’s still not working then you’ll need to get access to the server your Xibo CMS is running on and reset the password on your account following the instructions in the FAQ.

You also need to check for any crashed or damaged tables in your MySQL database.

Your hosting provider may be able to help you with that.

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Let’s try to solve this way you said ! Thank you for quick service ! Any questions we will contact you again! Thank you!

How to access the database through PHPMyAdmin ? I opened the link, but do not know what to do.
I am a layman in these procedures.


Once inside phpmyadmin you can follow this steps:

1: On left side click on xiboÂŽs database. (The name may be different in your installation)
2: On top menu click on “SQL” label.
3: Copy/Paste this command on text area and click “Go” button.

UPDATE user set UserPassword = MD5(‘password’), CSPRNG = 0 WHERE UserID = 1 LIMIT 1;

4: if everything went right, you see that the password was been reset.

Now, as alex said you, “Your xibo_admin password will then be “password”. Please ensure you then change it as soon as you can afterwards.”

I attached an image with snapshots.



Hello Friend! When I put this command, the following error occurs : # 1054 - Unknown column ’ cryptographically secure pseudorandom number generator ’ in ’ field list’ , What do I do ? Thank you for showing me the way!

Sorry , the error is this: #1054 - Unknown column ‘CSPRNG’ in ‘field list’

What version of Xibo are you running there? CSPRNG field has been there since at least 1.6 series I think! The version should be shown on the CMS login page unless you’ve modified that.

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I think we use version 1.4 . After accessing the database and run this command, the CMS login screen is no longer open , the following message appears : Xibo has a database connection problem.

The command didn’t run according to what you said so that can’t be related to the database connection problem.

That simply means that the CMS application can’t connect to the database at all.

I really think that unless you have access to someone locally who understands how these things work who you can call in then you might do better to look at moving your CMS hosting to one of the companies who specialise in Xibo hosting and who do all this setup and ongoing maintenance for you as part of the service. You can then just concentrate on using the system.

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Hi Alex and Eduardo!!!
Right gave these procedures that you have passed ! Thanks a lot guys! They saved our lives !!

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