Watchdog required?

Hi again.

I was running Xibo Windows client 1.7.6 without Watchdog (because it crashed a couple of times) but it worked fine without it. I developed a .Net app that checks internet connection, write some logs and finally launches Xibo client. This app is configured to run on startup.

Well, I read there that after version 1.7.8, Watchdog is mandatory to run, isn’t it? I haven´t tested the new version 1.8.0 rc1 yet nor 1.7.8, only 1.7.6, so if I use this new version (1.8), do I have to launch watchdog.exe instead of xiboclient.exe?

Thanks again.

Watchdog is a separate application, that was also improved in latest version.

By default when you install Xibo for Windows it will install watchdog and when you start Xibo player it will start Watchdog application.

Although if for some reason you don’t want to use Watchdog, then you can ‘disable’ it like this - The Windows Player automatically restarts itself / Windows Player Watchdog

Ok, thank you Peter.
