Video layer missing

Player Version

latest version which is 1.8 R6


I have a layer with a playlist of videos and none of the videos are showing up on the linux player. It works okay with my Android player.

Why is the Linux player so old :confused:

I believe the Linux player hasn’t been worked on for quite some time, I have seen on the forums that a new Linux and windows player are in the works though.

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That’s encouraging.

I have to be honest, it’s a bit of a let down when you go to the trouble of procuring a Linux machine (ZimaBoard) and setting it all up only to find that it’s a complete dud and the website and documentation don’t warn you that it’s basically a waste of time at the current moment. I know it’s free software and it’s fundamentally ungrateful to complain but free software also has standards and free software projects usually take pride in transparency.

Anyway, I’ve always got a lot of time to help test open-source projects and help them improve.

I wouldn’t mind knowing which platform distribution for the player is the most feature-complete and best supported at the current moment? I don’t mind paying licenses at all - especially if I can get paying clients. I just want to know what will be reliable and up-to-date.

How do help out by becoming a beta tester?

When you install via snap it does indicate it’s 1.8 x which is an indication that it’s rather old considering all the other players are on version 3 or 4.

For xibo definitely the android has the edgiest featureset.

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There’s a group called beta_testers you ask permission to join and they get back to you pretty quick.

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Can you please provide more detail about this ?

Cheers for the response Jon.

Much appreciated.

I will go full tilt on Android then.
Hopefully I can rack up some clients. :crossed_fingers:

Hi Aurorava, I’ve kind of abandoned the idea of using an x86 player for now after the information from the replies in this thread. I may revisit a Linux player if/when a new build comes out.

The only thing I can tell you about my error report is that I had a playlist of video clips on the bottom layer with a logo and some text overlayed. The videos did not show up at all and the text was positioned differently from the embedded CMS preview and the Android (Raspberry Pi 4) player which accurately reflected the CMS.

My main aim is for parity (between CMS and player) and performance of playback. I want to go the arm route because generally they run cooler and I can get better bang for buck with performance and reliability. In my opinion. I’m testing out the Rock 5B later today (just took delivery). It’s on Emteria’s hardware support list. I’m using Emteria because they offer very deep fleet management and I can re-purpose the hardware if need be. Anyway, I am not concerned about the outcome for the Linux player anymore. Not right now.

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