V4 layout preview not showing

We recently upgraded from V3.1.12 to V4.1.1. After the upgrade, preview layout no longer works. Everything else appears to be fine. I found a similar fixed problem here: [https://github.com/xibosignage/xibo/issues/3451](https://github.com/xibosignage/xibo/issues/3451) . Is there a setting I missed after the upgrade?

The small preview just shows a black image:

Clicking the pop-out opens another page, which is blank

This is source from the preview page:

Preview for Layout 5672
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    <meta name="public-path" content="/xibo/"/>
    <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/xibo/theme/default/img/favicon.ico" />
            <script src="/xibo/dist/preview.bundle.min.js?v=4.1.1&rev=dcb61454210eb0d3ba883c053d0459113c1d79a0" nonce="d8e0c295"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" nonce="d8e0c295">

        var previewTranslations = {};
        // Translations we want always available
                        previewTranslations.actionControllerTitle = "Webhook\u0020Controller";
            previewTranslations.navigateToLayout = "Navigate\u0020to\u0020layout\u0020with\u0020code\u0020\u005BlayoutTag\u005D\u003F";
            previewTranslations.emptyRegionMessage = "Empty\u0020region\u0021";
            previewTranslations.next = "Next\u0020Item";
            previewTranslations.previous = "Previous\u0020Item";
            previewTranslations.navWidget = "Navigate\u0020to\u0020Widget";
            previewTranslations.navLayout = "Navigate\u0020to\u0020Layout";
            previewTranslations.widgetId = "Widget\u0020ID";
            previewTranslations.layoutCode = "Layout\u0020Code";
            previewTranslations.target = "Target";
                var xiboLayoutRenderer = new XiboLayoutRenderer([{"layoutId":5672}], {"getXlfUrl":"\/xibo\/layout\/xlf\/5672","getResourceUrl":"\/xibo\/playlist\/widget\/resource\/:regionId\/:id","libraryDownloadUrl":"\/xibo\/library\/download\/:id","layoutBackgroundDownloadUrl":"\/xibo\/layout\/background\/:id","loaderUrl":"\/xibo\/theme\/default\/img\/loader.gif","layoutPreviewUrl":"\/xibo\/layout\/preview\/[layoutCode]","inPreview":true});

                xiboLayoutRenderer.init().then(function(xlr) {

Any assistance would be appreciated.


Thumbnails for layout created after the upgrade are also not displaying. Thumbnails prior do display.

Looking at this more, I am finding some media files that are not visible. There is a red X shown the thumbnail. I adjusted the logging and see an error each time I click on the thumbnail: “159423 cff2707 2024-10-25 11:20 WEB GET ERROR /xibo/library/download/1701 Unable to init from given binary data.”

I may have found something potentially interesting. Trying to preview in a new windows, but layout number in the path is different than the ID number listed on the management page

player shows 5746 for the STEAM event

layout listing shows 2295

image ID is 3210 which is part of the layout

that ID matches what the player shows
image (10)

Should the ID number match for layouts that same as images? The image preview does work.

Another update: We rolled a clone of the server snapshot back to v3.1.12, then upgraded to V4.0.12, and the preview and thumbnails work properly. Then upgrading from V4.0.12 to to 4.1 breaks the preview and thumbnails.

Our tests:
good v3.3.12 → v4.0.15
bad v4.0.15 → v4.1.0/v4.1.1
bad v3.3.12 → v4.1.0
bad v3.3.12 → v4.1.1

We also built another server installing 4.1.1 for the start and everything works properly.
A fresh install also works for v4.1.0 to v4.1.1.

It appears something happens during the upgrade, but we are not seeing any obvious errors.

Hi Robert,

You use Docker ?

Problem appears for all media ?

Thanks for the reply,

We run docker-ce-26.1.3-1.el8.x86_64 on RHEL 8.
It was installed per Docker instructions at RHEL | Docker Docs.

It is all media that users have tried so far. We mostly post images in JPG and PNG format, and videos in MP4. A test with one of the new clocks also failed.

We have managed to get the previews to work by commenting out “CMS_ALIAS=/xibo” in config.env.

The thumbnails are showing grey still, but that may be another issue.

This workaround doesn’t work for me because xibo runs in a sublocation and I need the entry for a working installation.

The preview in 4.1.x doesn’t work for me. (docker-installation)

Is there perhaps a problem with Xibo in a sublocation? Or do I have to change the entries in the reverse proxy?

Do you know this issue @dan ?

I am not aware of any issue running Xibo in a sub folder.

@israt.farzana please can we organise a test for this? The standard docker container supports running in a sub-folder (i.e. /xibo).

Please let me know if there is any information I can provide on our end to help.