Use GPS Coordonates to have a map in the admin console


Why not having a map using the players GPS Coordinates in the admin console ?

User Story

Dear Friends, I’m using Xibo for years, thanks for the job.
I’m using Meteo/Google Traffic widgets with the usefull GPS Coordinates pleyrs function, and I was wondering if it could be possible to have a map connecting with openstreemap to have a map of all the players in the admin console ? and why not a picto Green/Red/orange to show their status.

Thank you for posting. I have taken this request to the development team who agree that this would be a great feature to have. This has been recorded as below:

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Hi Natasha, Good news ! Thanks, I should be the first to test this feature… See you. Fred

Hi Natasha, Hi Frederic,
It would be a very great feature !
Any news about this project ?

All the best,

Hi Philippe, Dan adds it in 3.2 release. See you. Fred

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