Updating from CMS issue

Samsung QM55B-T TV’s with Tizen.
current version r403
on-prem CMS

How does one remotely update the Xibo client? I mean, I think I know how. We’ve downloaded the file from Xibo, entered it as code “404” into Player Versions.
Then I reboot the Client software on the device. Upon launch it knows that the new version is there, but indicates unable to download client. And that’s it.
I checked the log and it indicates “schedule status: upgrade application”

We are still newbies to Xibo, and as we are expanding trying to figure these little things out so on a larger scale when we need to update we aren’t running all over campus.

Side note: I’d also be curious if someone know how to send a reboot device signal to the endpoint.

Hi @jlindemann

For Tizen turn off or reboot, try commands: Tizen Display Commands | Xibo Digital Signage

For upgrading: Upgrading Xibo for Tizen | Xibo Digital Signage

I’m interested in the method you have to install Xibo on the Tizen: Tizen Installation Guide | Xibo Digital Signage

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