Unable to gain access token via API


I’ve installed the Xibo CMS 3.2.0 on an Ubuntu Server running nginx.
So far the CMS itself is running smoothly, but I can’t access the API via postman (or any other way really).

All I get is:

“error”: 0,
“message”: “API configuration problem, consult your administrator”

I’ve followed the tutorial for accessing the API via postman. Even though it is a bit outdated since postmans layout is quite different now than it was back when the tutorial was first made.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

I have the same issue with 3.3.1 but in 2.3.16 it’s working . I saw a response, made the correction and nothing happened.

Me to any help is greatly appreciated .

This correction : API Problem after installation CMS 3.0.3 - #4 by rithm

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