Unable to click choices in IE drop down menu

We’re running Xibo with IE on machines meant to access our online catalog. We’re a library. Via Xibo, when our catalog offers suggested searches in a drop down menu, we’re unable to select what it shows us. When we click it’s like the menu isn’t there and it hits what’s below it. The suggested search is clickable when Xibo is overridden and the catalog is accessed through the IE on the PCs.

I am having trouble following you on this. Can you post some screen shots of the problem?

We have an online catalog for our collection; it’s basically a Google-esque search that returns books, movies, CDs, etc. Our Xibo sessions use Internet Explore and limits what may be browsed to the catalog itself. When something is typed into the search box while in session, possible searches are displayed in a drop down box (i.e. type “ha” then “Harry Potter” books are displayed as suggestions). Under normal circumstances, if a user clicks one of the suggestions in the drop down box, they’re taken to a listing for the item that is suggested. With Xibo, the suggestions are displayed, but they cannot be clicked. If an item is clicked, it ignores that the drop down box is there and tries to click underneath it.

I can run downstairs and try to snap a picture of it with my phone. Will come back and add that shortly.

Did you let it finish uploading the file before hitting submit?

I just see “Uploading…”

Sorry. Did that from my phone.

So yeah, the suggestions displayed, they cannot be clicked. The menu vanishes if you try to click one and it’ll click whatever is underneath.

I think you may have your projects confused. This community forum is for Xibo. Xibo is a digital signage solution, for displaying media on displays. More here. Please let me know if I am not understanding something here.

we are using Xibo as a kiosk solution. The “sign,” in our case, is a window that displays a locked down version of IE. People can browse our catalog with it.


So it looks like you have an embedded page. What version of IE are you running? Has this ever worked before for you?

I am wondering why you are using Xibo for this? I would think that if you used IE in kiosk mode on windows, and then set Xibo as the screen saver, I think you might get the desired results. But I am completely guessing on some of your needs are here.

My boss set it up. He tested a few different kiosk modes and found using Xibo like this worked best for what we needed. The only glitch we’ve encountered is the one described in my initial message.

We’re using the newest version of IE and have been unable to get the drop box suggestions to work at all.

Have you tried making the registry changes as described here?

The page that you are displaying, is that a publicly accessible page so that we can inspect the page?