Trouble with android client

On the android device is not working gif animation.


My apologies, but image module will not render .gif properly.
We are looking to add this possibility in the future.


Dear Peter, has the support for GIF animation on Android version of Xibo Client been added??

Thank you!


Not that I’m aware of Kevin. It will probably work within a webpage but not within the image media type.


A webpage needs a constant internet connection without local playback feature, correct?

I will give it a shot.



You could use the embedded html media type and then send the gif image down to the Player library by assigning the file directly to the Player.

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Okay - I will give this a shot as well. This is actually related to another post I’ve made last night - will you also PM me with a link to download earlier version of Xibo client that might be able to resolve my blinking/flickering video issues???