Trigger layouts based on external decision

Hello, Thanks for who are responsible for making XIBO. This is really nice tool and it is working very fine .

Well, My task is to trigger Layouts based on decision taking externally.
For example , If male entered in my camera region then i have to display Men related ADDS on client screens. If female, I need to display women related ADDS.

I have text file information whether person captured by camera is men or women. But don’t have idea about interface to trigger layouts based on my text file.

Please can u share your idea to get through this .

I hope my question is clear. if U need more information on my question i can give u .

The question is " Is it possible to trigger or force layout on decision based of my text file ? "

Please respond .

Squid design systems , Hyderabad

With 1.8 CMS (currently in alpha) you can use the API to influence the schedule based on external input.

So you might have your text file, and an application you write that checks if the text file changes, and when it does, makes the appropriate calls on the CMS API to change the Player scheduling.

Hello ,

Thank you very much. I will do that.

Hello Sir,

I tried to Reorder media list in a layout through external triggering with help of Xibo API.
I succeeded in uploading file and deleting old media. But i tried to reorder media in a layout.

Two medias in layout ;
mediaid 73 video 20 seconds lkid=39;
mediaid 74 video 20 seconds lkid=40;

I want to reorder .

Here is my python script :

import os
from xml.dom import minidom
import XiboAPI

api = XiboAPI.XiboAPI()

layoutId = 21
regionId = '5750208c54664’
mediaList= ‘[{“mediaid”:74,“lkid”:40},{“mediaid”:73,“lkid”:39}’

def layoutRegionMediaReorder(api,layoutid,regionid,mediaList):
params = [(‘regionId’,regionid),
(mediaList (array(‘mediaid’ => , ‘lkid’ => 0)))

response, status, code, message, content = api.callMethod('LayoutRegionMediaReorder', params)

params = [(‘layoutid’, layoutId),
(‘regionid’, regionId)]

Call the RegionList Method

response, status, code, message, content = api.callMethod(‘LayoutRegionTimelineList’, params)

Parse the response XML

doc = minidom.parseString(content)

List the Regions

nodes = doc.getElementsByTagName(‘media’)

layoutRegionMediaReorder(api, layoutId, regionId, mediaList)

This function calling giving no results. Please help me to call this function properly .


You’ll note in my original reply I suggested using the 1.8 CMS for this as the API on 1.7 is incomplete and not documented that well.

You seem to be using 1.7 here though. I’d suggest considering developing this against 1.8 as the API from 1.7 will stop working when you upgrade to 1.8 in the future.


Then i will remove Xibo 1.7.7 CMS and will continue my activity by installing 1.8 CMS .

Thanks & Regards,

Hello ,

I tried to install xibo 1.8 CMS on CentOS 6 . Failed to make it work.

Here is the procedure i did :slight_smile:

I remove xibo 1.7.8 CMS and trying to install XIbo 1.8 alpha3 CMS on CentOS machine.
I copied my Xibo folders in /var/www/html/Xibo/ and also created library function.

When i hit https://myIPAdress/Xibo on browser : It gives folder list thats it which shows parentry directories.

I also tried https://myIPAdress/Xibo/web , It gives error

" Fatal Error - sorry this shouldn’t happen. SQLSTATE[28000] [1045] Access denied for user ‘xibo’@‘localhost’ (using password: YES) "

I Installed Mysql properly and also PHP version 5.5 .

Please help me to solve this .

I also look for mechanisms that can dynamically change the content on the signs depending on the triggers (gender, age, actions on the screen).
Where can I read more about API ?

would be a good start.