We purchased (5) Samsung QM55B-T TV’s with Tizen. We have successfully installed the Xibo client; it communicates with our CMS server and is licensed. We can communicate with the device and even push layouts to the TV.
These (5) devices are meant to be touchscreen kiosks throughout the building. We’ve started to build a couple of starter layouts that will become the main menu system for the touchscreen kiosks(DSB-Kiosk-Menu). And then we created a target layout that the test button will go to (CampusMap).
Using the “preview” option within Xibo, I can click the ‘maps’ button, and it will take me to the CampusMap layout. And on the CampusMap layout, if I press the button “Main Manu”, it takes me back to the DSB-Kiosk-Menu layout.
When we try these layouts on the Samsung TV – nothing happens when you press the ‘maps’ button. I can confirm that touchscreen is working as I was able to open the TV menu and move around by touching the onscreen interface.
We went into the Xibo Display settings and set the TV to “kiosk”, but that hasn’t made any difference.
Since I can’t attach a ZIP file through email, I’m hoping someone can take a look at what I’ve done in the layouts and see if I’ve missed a crucial step. Dropbox