Ticker Wigget, Webpage, Weather, are not displayed

Ticker Wigget, Webpage, Weather, are not displayed. in its place only a black screen is displayed.

What is happening?

CMS 1.8.11
Player 1.8 r108.

Do you have internet connection on device ?

Does it show you the data in CMS layout preview?

As previously mentioned for some widgets the internet connection is required, other should be pulled from CMS, there is also the following that you may want to look into - Using Tickers, Forecast, Twitter and other external resources that make use of HTTPS connections

CMS 1.8.11
Player 1.8 r108.

The devices have internet. videos are updated as usual.
But Widgets called “Weather, Ticker” behave as if there was no internet.

Take look on log message:
“PLAYER | POST | ERROR | PLAYER | DisplayManager | startWebServer - cannot start webserver: Host is unresolved: localhost”

This problem only occurs in some places that use a specific Internet service provider: “Hi Velox”
Not all sites using this provider suffer from this error.
When switching networks such as connecting in the 4g network of the cell phone, the problem disappears.

I’ve sent a message to the hosting and am waiting to see if they will do the procedure to update the ca-certificate

Using custom dns or on device may fix your problem

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