Ticker stops, restarts minutes later

I’m running a php script as a ticker that reads from a Google Calendar and displays a scrolling list of calendar events. I’ve also got a clock, a picture ‘title’, and a mp4 display area running announcements. I don’t have any times set. There are no durations in ticker, or video. I do have the ‘time’ for updates in the ticker set at 5 (minutes), so that in theory the php script that pulls Google Calendar events would run every 5 minutes After running fine for many minutes, the ticker will just stop. After 5 minutes (or so), it’ll start up again. The video seems to loop, even though I don’t set a duration, or have the ‘Loop’ checkbox checked.

What am I doing wrong to cause the ticker to stop? Are there options I should be setting? The php script typically returns a dozen or so calendar entries that I display via [Title] [Descrioption].
