Ticker não exibe o feed na versão 2.3.2

Ticker does not display the link feed: https:// node2.feed43.com/tecparnews. xml
in version 2.3.2 of the cms.

Do you have a secret?

Print CMS OK Version 1.8, click here
[Print CMS wrong Version 2.3.2, click here](finaly tecpar-feed-v2.3.2.png)

I´m using the version 2.3.2 in cloud xibo.

In version 1.8 it is running normal according to print.


Please please secure your installation before putting anything serious on there! :pray:

You shouldn’t ever see /web/ in your URL bar as that means you’re serving the whole of the Xibo source. This is covered in the install docs!

The actual issue is probably that the CMS can’t download files, so they are black. You’d need to use Report Fault to find out why. But first, please fix your installation :smile:


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