The RSS-Ticker module on v3 clients don't updates with our CMS v4.1

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Five Win.10 IoT (LTSB2016 and LtSC1809) test systems on three different hardware platforms with…

…Player Version

307, 308, 2*310, 403.
After some time, tests and configuration changes, all v3 Systems were upgraded to 403.


We are testing a new CMS v4.1 docker server, with a bunch of different test client systems, to evaluate if we can upgrade our CMS v3.3.12 production server. Our “problem” is, that we have 255 Win.clients (R302.4-R310.1) connected to this server, spread over the whole country, at the moment, plus some webOS, Android and Tizen clients. The problematic part is, that the RSS-Ticker module on our v4.1 server don’t update the news entries on our v3 test clients. The only way to update the news on those systems is to purge the client.

For every big test/settings change we tried, we purged the client, to be sure, to not left bad settings/content on the device. To mitigate Win.problems, our client systems automatically reboots every day at 3 o’clock. We checked that every XMR communication worked with requesting a screenshot. Our clients are configured to check in on the server every 5 minutes. The news update interval and all cache settings are set to 15 minutes (in the module settings and the widget itself).

One thing (I think not standard behavior!?) we discovered with our clients RSS-Feed is, that older news in between sometimes gets removed. Just that you know if this could trigger some bug.

Because we can’t get a single v3 Client to work, we updated all to v403 to check if Xibo or Win. is the problem. After a Purge and Reboot, all worked as expected, since more than two days now. But we can’t easily upgrade 255 systems.

Can you replicate that behavior? Do you know where the problem sits? Is it maybe a Bug in CMS v4.1, which would be “great” because a fix there would save us from update all clients.

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