The right way for Page and Menu Security

Dear all,

I feel very troubled with the way xibo assign permission for user.

I have a user A with user type, when i login with this user i can schedule an event although i can check that in Menu Item Security > Top Nav and Menu Item Security > Dashboard

Schedule has been already disabled.

And another problem that in the Menu Item Security > Design Menu > Template and Page Security > Template has been assigned but user A can not view this tab when login (You do not have permission to access this page.)

I am so very troubled.

Could somebody please point me out the right way ?

I believe we’ve solved those problems in a private tickets.

Recap, main problems was that new user was assigned to ‘users’ user group that have some permissions which was ‘interfering’ with permissions set to a user. As for templates the problem was with missing permissions to ‘layouts’ on page security (templates are basically layouts).

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