Text not shown in player and "Verify All" button

Hello everyone, I installed xibo-cms with docker on a fresh new archlinux installation and a linux player on a fresh new endeavouros.
Now on the player I cannot see any text.
I read some older topic and they suggested to do a Modules>Verify All but I cannot see the button on my interface (I only see the refresh button, only the icon, not text)
I installed again the cms on another archlinux with docker and I had the same result.

Tried to install Xibo-CMS on a fresh new endeavouros, installed the player locally to be sure firewall would not interfere and I have the same problem: no text in the player, no “Verify all” in the module section of the cms

In the end I tried to use install a player on Windows and it works, still no “Verify button” in the module section but at least I know the issue is in the linux player (I noticed that is not officially supported)

Hi Jack, welcome to the community!

The Verify All button was removed from the Modules page for v4 as the verification of modules is no longer necessary for a user to initiate as that is all now handled in the backend.

We do hope to have the new Linux player available for beta testing in the near future.