Template Store where users can buy new designs

For the original poster (OP) to fill in:


If there should be template store where designers can sell their unique templates, that would be perfect. This can be a page inside CMS or a store in xibo.org.uk

User Story

Our clients asking for us to create custom templates for ticker, for layouts etc.

For the dev team to fill in:


The current status and the username of the:

  • Reporter
  • Drafter
  • Implementer


Effected Software

CMS or xibo.org.uk

DB Schema Changes

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Thank you for your post.

Are you thinking of an area where users can go to to buy pre-made templates or as a place to reach out to designers?

I think both can be very usefull. But close future there can be store where we can sell or buy templates which requires css knowledge etc.

this is xibo cnn news template which i created.

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Compartilho da mesma sugestão, acho que com um custo baixo as pessoas possam de alguma forma contribuir no desenvolvimento individual de cada projeto. Trabalho exclusivo de criação de layout e formatação de DATASET, CSS e etec.
So assim poderíamos ser recompensados por horas de desenvolvimentos.

I would like to second a “template store” à la Creative Market, Theme Forest, Envato, Videoblocks or Rocketstock.

Our clients are always looking for the following:

  • Ready made Layouts/Templates (HTML, Graphics and CSS)
  • Modules (there are plenty of developers on here that have created modules to solve some niche problem)
  • Cultivated Datasets/Feeds with news, entertainment or even specific information for health, finance, etc.
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