Taskbar stays on top after scheduled restart

I have set my computers to a scheduled restart every second day, because of my problem with Xibo displaying only black screen after a few days running. Ref: https://community.xibo.org.uk/t/xibo-client-stops-working-black-screen/655/9
My problem now is that the windows task-bar stays on top after restart, even I set it to auto-hide.
Any solution on how I can avoid this?

Xibo 1.7.4
Windows 7 Embedded

We’ve seen similar events to what you have described. We ended up making a quick AutoIT executable that we run at start up that produces a mouse click on the screen ever few minutes to bring the Xibo client to the front. It’s likely not what you were looking for, but it works for us.

Hi Hyerk, and thanks for your reply.
That would probably be the solution for my problem. I only need one mouse click after about 10 sec after restart. I’m having difficulties with making this .bat file. I tried with the following script, but not luck (I understand something is missing):

MouseClick($MOUSE_CLICK_LEFT, 0, 500, 2)


Any ideas?

Well, AutoIT does not produce .bat scripts, rather an executable. I’d suggest you take a look at this function and watch a few tutorials on how to use AutoIT. It shouldn’t take you long to produce such an executable. Once created, just place the executable in the startup folder and it should work fine.

YouTube did the trick. Thank you.

Since you found out why the taskbar appears (when running 2 displays for me), I can offer an easy fix:

Right click the taskbar.
De-Select Lock The Taskbar.
Drag the taskbar to the right side OR the top of the screen.
(Keep it out of the bottom left corner.)

After testing by restarting, this fixed the issue for me.
Thanks for the discussion.