Switch TV off using HDMI-CEC

Hi community,

I want to remotely turn on/off the connected TV to the Xibo player via HDMI-CEC. I am using the Pulse Eight adapter with libCEC, which is working fine as long as I run the commands locally in the computer. However if I try to run the command via XMR, it is not working… In general XMR and commands are working as I have tried the simple reboot command, but I cannot get the CEC command to work.

CMS version: 4.1.2 running in Docker
Player version: 4 R404.1
OS: Windows 11 Pro

Here is what I did so far:

  • Activated shell commands in the screen profile and allowed “echo” commands.
  • Created a new command with the following free text command:

echo ‘standby 0’ | &‘C:\Program Files (x86)\Pulse-Eight\USB-CEC Adapter\cec-client.exe’ -s COM3

  • Send the command manually via CMS to the screen

Unfortunately nothing is happening… Do you have any hints for me on how to get working? The command it self is working perfectly, if I run it locally in powershell or CMD.

Thanks a lot for your support!
Best regards,

Hi David, in your Display Settings Profile for Windows do you have shell commands enabled? They are disabled by default to improve the security of the display.

Hi Dan, yes that is turned on and I have also listed the command in the allowed commands within the profile.
When I try the command “shutdown /r /f” to restart the computer, it is working perfectly. This means the settings should be all fine, but the command for the pulse eight is not working. Is it maybe because of the quotation marks in it?!


I think its probably getting mangled somehow, yes. You could try creating a bat file and using the command to call the bat file instead?

Try to change you UAC settings to the lowest*, and run your command using XMR.
If work, it means that you need to run your command as admin.

If does not work, you will need to stay you PC in UAC lowest mode, and run CMD calling PowerShell as admin, and run your command.

Like this:

powershell.exe Start-Process powershell -verb runAs 'echo "standby 0" | & "C:\Program Files (x86)\Pulse-Eight\USB-CEC Adapter\cec-client.exe" -s COM3'

This command in CMD willl call powershell as admin, and run your command using powershell.

Test it there and tell me if it works.

*NOTE: Change you UAC mode to lowest will allow to run admin commands without confimation, so it can be unsecure. Do it all with your own risk.

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