SQLSTATE22003 Error in Logs

To be completed by the original poster:

CMS Version


Installation Method

Custom install (IIS)

Operating System

Windows Server 2019


Sql Error in the logs.
run: SQLSTATE[22003]: Numeric value out of range: 1264 Out of range value for column ‘mediaId’ at row 1 Exception Type: PDOException

The above error is showing in the log view on the CMS

What version of MySQL are you using, and do you have any other context to share - what are the symptoms of the issue?

I’m running mySQL 5.7. I don’t see any symptoms other than a few:

getData: Failed to get data cache for widgetId 16563, e = Cache not ready

errors, but I assume they are unrelated. - oh I also see

/library/download/19712	Unable to init from given binary data.

in the error log too.

Xibo CMS v4+ requires MySQL8+


that might be the issue. Just in the process of upgrading now. Thank you.

I’ve migrated the database from mysql5.7 to 8 using mysqldump, is there a database upgrade script I need to run?

Sorry, found the answer to this one. however when I run this I get an authorization error. it doesn’t look like the users have been brought across from the 5.7 install. I think I’m going mad now!

I got the database migrated to mysql 8 (eventually.) and I’ve run the upgrade script against the db/ I’ll keep an eye on the logs. Thank you for your assistance. :smiley:

the error is appearing every 10 minutes.

1264	d7a3980	2024-03-21 11:40	CONSOLE	GET	ERROR			run: SQLSTATE[22003]: Numeric value out of range: 1264 Out of range value for column 'mediaId' at row 1 Exception Type: PDOException
1263	48212cc	2024-03-21 11:30	CONSOLE	GET	ERROR			run: SQLSTATE[22003]: Numeric value out of range: 1264 Out of range value for column 'mediaId' at row 1 Exception Type: PDOException
1106	4798487	2024-03-21 11:20	CONSOLE	GET	ERROR			run: SQLSTATE[22003]: Numeric value out of range: 1264 Out of range value for column 'mediaId' at row 1 Exception Type: PDOException

all of the tasks are running ok, looking at them, I’m guessing it has something to do with statistics migration or fetching remote datasets.

ID	Name	Active	Status	Next Run	Run Now	Last Run	Last Status	Last Duration	
14	Media Orientation			2024-03-13 11:00		2024-03-13 10:56		0:00:01	
17	Widget Compatibility			2024-03-13 10:57		2024-03-13 10:56		0:00:00	
4	Stats Archive			2024-03-18 00:00		2024-03-13 10:56		0:00:54	
1	Daily Maintenance			2024-03-21 00:00		2024-03-20 00:19		0:19:19	
5	Remove old Notifications			2024-03-22 00:15		2024-03-21 09:05		0:00:00	
13	Remove Old Screenshots			2024-03-22 00:00		2024-03-21 09:05		0:00:00	
15	Purge List Cleanup			2024-03-22 00:00		2024-03-21 09:05		0:00:00	
6	Fetch Remote DataSets			2024-03-21 12:30		2024-03-21 11:30		0:00:00	
10	Statistics Migration			2024-03-21 11:50		2024-03-21 11:40		0:02:23	
3	Email Notifications			2024-03-21 11:50		2024-03-21 11:45		0:00:00	
2	Regular Maintenance			2024-03-21 11:50		2024-03-21 11:45		0:00:00	
9	Report Schedule			2024-03-21 11:50		2024-03-21 11:45		0:00:00	
11	Schedule Reminder			2024-03-21 11:50		2024-03-21 11:45		0:00:00	
12	Image Processing			2024-03-21 11:50		2024-03-21 11:45		0:00:00	
16	Campaign Scheduler			2024-03-21 12:45		2024-03-21 11:45		0:00:00	
8	Sync Dynamic Playlists			2024-03-21 11:49		2024-03-21 11:48		0:00:00	
7	Widget Sync			2024-03-21 11:50		2024-03-21 11:48		0:00:02

These are the only errors appearing in the event logs now.

This does mean it comes from XTR, and I think the statistics migration is a likely candidate.

Do you have a lot of proof of play recorded in your CMS?

I’m not sure, but we don’t need proof of display, we’re only a primary school. I’ll take a look to see where I can disable Proof of play

This says stats collection is disabled, I’m not sure if it has been on in the past, but happy to drop or clean up any of this info from the database if you can tell me how.

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