SQL-issue on Windows 10

Player Version

Current version Xibo Client v2 R253.3 x86 running on Windows 10


I have an issue with the player keeps crashing after a few seconds to sometimes a couple of minutes.
The only log I can find is in Windows Event-Viewer with this info.

System.AggregateException: Undantag för en uppgift upptäcktes inte vilket antingen berodde på väntande på uppgift eller vid åtkomst till dess undantagsegenskap. Av det skälet kastade slutförartråden det oupptäckta undantaget igen. —> Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.SqliteException: SQLite Error 1: ‘table stat has no column named engagements’.
vid Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.SqliteException.ThrowExceptionForRC(Int32 rc, sqlite3 db)
vid Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.SqliteCommand.d__64.MoveNext()
vid Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.SqliteCommand.d__54.MoveNext()
vid Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.SqliteDataReader.NextResult()
vid Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.SqliteCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior)
vid Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.SqliteCommand.ExecuteReader()
vid Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.SqliteCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
vid System.Data.Common.DbCommand.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
— Slut på stackspårning för interna undantag —
—> (Internt undantag #0) Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.SqliteException (0x80004005): SQLite Error 1: ‘table stat has no column named engagements’.
vid Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.SqliteException.ThrowExceptionForRC(Int32 rc, sqlite3 db)
vid Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.SqliteCommand.d__64.MoveNext()
vid Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.SqliteCommand.d__54.MoveNext()
vid Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.SqliteDataReader.NextResult()
vid Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.SqliteCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior)
vid Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.SqliteCommand.ExecuteReader()
vid Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.SqliteCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
vid System.Data.Common.DbCommand.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)<—

Please can you update to this version:

It should resolve that issue.

For now it seems to work great! I’ll let it run for an hour or so and look at the logs to see if there is any issues. Thanks a lot!

Also, I noticed that there is a even newer version on the website but I’m waiting to download it if this release works.

Depending on the date settings on your machine you may well want to use the .6 version.

Hm, interesting. Now I can’t schedul a new layout instead.

What’s shown on the Player status screen?

The old layout I was showing yesterday.

Also I saw a Json error but it disappeared quicker then I could read it.

I can’t help you without knowing what is shown on the Player status screen I’m afraid. If there was a json error then you should be able to find that error message logged in the CMS.

I’ll get ahold on the info you need during the day :slight_smile:

As you can see the player says that the layout has invalid dependencies but the CMS does not tell me this?
Could it be because I have an image in a text field and that image is invalid for some reason?

<logdate>2020-05-06 11:25:50</logdate><thread>RequiredFilesAgentThread</thread><method>RequiredFiles - ReportInventory</method><message>Reporting Inventory</message>
<logdate>2020-05-06 11:25:50</logdate><thread>ScheduleManagerThread</thread><method>ScheduleManager - LoadNewSchedule</method><message>Layout has invalid dependent: 23.jpg</message>
<logdate>2020-05-06 11:25:50</logdate><thread>ScheduleManagerThread</thread><method>ScheduleManager - LoadNewSchedule</method><message>Layout has invalid dependent: 23.jpg</message>
<logdate>2020-05-06 11:25:43</logdate><thread>RegisterAgentThread</thread><method>PopulateFromXml</method><message>Unable to write [Item].</message>
<logdate>2020-05-06 11:25:43</logdate><thread>RegisterAgentThread</thread><method>RegisterAgent - Run</method><message>Thread Woken and Lock Obtained</message>
<logdate>2020-05-06 11:25:40</logdate><thread>ScheduleManagerThread</thread><method>ScheduleManager - LoadNewSchedule</method><message>Layout has invalid dependent: 23.jpg</message>
<logdate>2020-05-06 11:26:00</logdate><thread>ScheduleManagerThread</thread><method>ScheduleManager - LoadNewSchedule</method><message>Layout has invalid dependent: 23.jpg</message>
<logdate>2020-05-06 11:26:00</logdate><thread>ScheduleManagerThread</thread><method>ScheduleManager - LoadNewSchedule</method><message>Layout has invalid dependent: 23.jpg</message>
<logdate>2020-05-06 11:25:50</logdate><thread>ScheduleManagerThread</thread><method>ScheduleManager - LoadNewSchedule</method><message>Layout has invalid dependent: 23.jpg</message>
<logdate>2020-05-06 11:25:50</logdate><thread>ScheduleManagerThread</thread><method>ScheduleManager - LoadNewSchedule</method><message>Layout has invalid dependent: 23.jpg</message>
<logdate>2020-05-06 11:25:50</logdate><thread>RequiredFilesAgentThread</thread><method>RequiredFiles - ReportInventory</method><message>Reporting Inventory</message>
<logdate>2020-05-06 11:25:50</logdate><thread>ScheduleManagerThread</thread><method>ScheduleManager - LoadNewSchedule</method><message>Layout has invalid dependent: 23.jpg</message>
<logdate>2020-05-06 11:25:50</logdate><thread>ScheduleManagerThread</thread><method>ScheduleManager - LoadNewSchedule</method><message>Layout has invalid dependent: 23.jpg</message>
<logdate>2020-05-06 11:25:43</logdate><thread>RegisterAgentThread</thread><method>PopulateFromXml</method><message>Unable to write [Item].</message>
<logdate>2020-05-06 11:25:43</logdate><thread>RegisterAgentThread</thread><method>RegisterAgent - Run</method><message>Thread Woken and Lock Obtained</message>

This is what I get when I try to assign another layout.
Can’t find the JSON error sadly in the CMS but a lot of other interesting things though.

You have a Text Widget that references an image?

This basically means a Layout references image 23.jpg, but for some reason the Player doesn’t have that image.

Do you see 23.jpg in the list of “media” files in the right hand pane of your screenshot?

You have a Text Widget that references an image?

I think I found that issue, seems to me that the image was larger than default. I changed the settings and reuploaded the image again and got rid of that error.
Now the new layout seems to work fine :slight_smile:

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