Setup: Windows10/Xampp + CMS 2.1

Hello everyone,

I would like to share with you a small guide of how I installed the CMS on a windows machine with apache server served by Xampp.

I tried to keep it simple and default as much as possible but there is a small change do to being in an enterprise domain machine. Other than that, the settings should work on a stand alone machine.

Installation Process:


Server: windows 10 // 4Gb RAM, 60Gb disk, 3Ghz CPU was used for this build.
Player: LG TV with WebOS 4.0 and newer. Availability for Windows, Linux and Tizen (Samsung)


SERVER: X86 Files and downloads:

Xibo CMS:
Apache modules:
Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 (VC14):
TV client installation guide:
XSendfile Module:

Installation steps:

Install Visual C++
Install Xampp and create services for apache and mysql
Move the contents of the CMS to C:\xampp\htdocs\xibo


System Variable:

For System PATH add c:\xampp\php and C:\xampp\mysql\bin

Apache > Config > php.ini:

max_execution_time= 130
Remove the semicolon from ;extension=php_soap.dll to enable that extension.

Apache > Config > httpd.ini

DocumentRoot “C:/xampp/htdocs/xibo/web”
ZQM: under Dynamic extensions add: extension=php_zmq.dll
copy php_zmq.dll in c:\xampp\php\ext and libzmq.dll in c:\xampp\php

Make sure you have the System Environment Variable Path for C:\xampp\php
Create a config file: config.json in C:\xampp\htdocs\xibo\vendor\xibosignage\xibo-xmr\bin
“listenOn”: “tcp://”,
“pubOn”: [“tcp://Webserver_IP:9505”],
“debug”: true
Note: Don’t forget to run “xmr.phar” command (“php c:\xampp\htdocs\xibo\vendor\xibosignage\xibo-xmr\bin\xmr.phar”) when you restart your server. You can schedule a task to start with windows as well.

XSendfile Configuration:
Download the package and place the corresponding file for your version in the Apache modules folder: C:\xampp\apache\modules
Edit Apache>Config> httpd.conf and add:
#MOD XSENDFILE Configuration
LoadModule xsendfile_module modules/
XSendFile on
XSendFilePath “C:/xampp/htdocs/xibo/xibolib/ media /” the absolute path of your media. We placed the media inside the web folder due to permissions issues but in an isolated computer this can be in any location (c:\xibomedia) .

Test if all servers are starting correctly, else check logs.

Xibo CMS Installation:

The installation is straightforward and there is a check before you go further. Make sure all the components are ready to go and continue. You can use the online windows installation guide
In the CMS settings (Administration/Displays) add your private and public addresses.

From this point you can start setting up your Display settings and default profile for each platform. This can be later setup to each display for an easy setup.

System tweaks:


Servers: we can setup the servers to start as services: Installers can be found on the correspondents folders for each server under C:\xampp. i.e: C:\xampp\apache\apache_installservice.bat
XMR: to automatize you can create a bat file and schedule a task and run it as SYSTEM so it can start before user login.
File download mode: As we installed X-Sendfile module for Apache for a faster file transfer we will need to enable it in the settings: Administration\Settings\Network



Maintenance can be enabled and monitor from: Administration\Maintenance More information at
Maintenance tasks and other general tasks can be set up from Administration\Tasks


It is good practice to restart the machine at least once per week. It can be done manually or scheduled (create tasks co close the servers before you restart the machine)

Last thoughts:

Remember to backup and note your changes
If you have any improvements, please feel free to mention them.


looks quite good your guide.

one question i would raise befor following this guide. is there a reason you choosed x86 files to download?


might be due to incompatibilities with modules but now that I look again I see that there is available for 64bits also.

Mr Nomis i have error with install
can you contact me for help