Server Upgrade + Migration from 1.8.5 to latest

Hello everyone,

I’m new to the Xibo Signage CMS and need assistance with the migration process. Currently, the CMS is set up on an older server, and I plan to move it to a new Windows Server 2019 installation (not an in-place upgrade). My intention is to install the latest version of XAMPP on the new server and then migrate back to Xibo Signage CMS version 1.8.5.

To achieve this, I’m thinking of taking a backup of the media library and the CMS itself and then transferring them to the new server. Does this approach make sense?

Additionally, I would like to upgrade from version 1.8.5 to the latest version of Xibo Signage CMS. Could you please clarify if there is any cost associated with this upgrade? We are currently using Android players with perpetual licenses, running on Android 4.

Thank you for your assistance!

You’ll need to take a backup of the database and the media library. The CMS source you can copy or go to the latest 1.8 straight away. Once on the latest 1.8 you can go straight to 3.3.6.

You’ll probably need to buy some upgrades for those player licences - more info here - if you get stick just open a ticket from my account and someone can guide you.

For your awareness - Android 4.4 support stops with v2 - see Supported Versions and Environments | Xibo Digital Signage. The latest v2 player is a still a big improvement and will work with a v3.3.6 CMS, however support for it will cease with the release of v4 in September.

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