Sequential Media ID on batch Upload


This is a feature request to have the Media ID sequentially when batch uploading files. We upload a lot of JPG’s at once that are used in a Dataset. If the Media ID where to correspond with the sequence the files are shown in the upload form, than we could pre-assign the Media ID’s in the CSV we upload to the Dataset.

At the moment the Batch Uploader appears to upload everything at once and which ever file is finished first gets the next ID, resulting in a mess.


Can this be considered a Bug? It would save a lot of work if Media would get an ID in the sequence they are added on mass import.

I don’t think it’s a bug. It’s not intended to give sequential IDs, and indeed it’s down to the database to issue the IDs (which for example with any form of clustered MySQL won’t be sequential in any case).

It would be easier to write an API integration to do the upload, store the ID, and then populate the dataset all in one go if that’s what you need it to do.

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