We use Xibo for Tizen Player (version 2V200) on a Samsung QB43R display (with the latest firmware T-KTM2ELAKUC_2152.0).
The display of Xibo content on the Xibo Tizen player works correctly.
To switch on and off automatically the display, I want to use the “On/Off timer” function of the Samsung TV. I experienced the following problem :
If a set up the On timer and ask to use as source the “URL launcher” (Xibo player), the TV switchs on correctly and display the Xibo player and the content. But the On timer settings are now completly cleared and no On or Off timer is enable anymore.
I did the same test but by selecting the source : HDMI, MagicInfo or Web page and in all of these cases it works correcly. TV switchs on but the On timer setting are still correct and present.
According to the Samsung support, the problem is in the Xibo for Tizen player which delete the On/Off timer settings.
Could you fix this problem ?
Thank’s in advance