RSS Ticker Marquee not scrolling

Recently changed to a new server and started fresh with the latest Xibo.

We have a windows computer running the Xibo Client elsewhere in the building which I connected to the new XiboCMS Server successfully and all appears to be working but one thing. The marquee effect for the RSS feed does not actually scroll the text anymore. It used to when the client was connected to the previous server which had Xibo CMS (3.xx) however. The only difference is we are using the new Xibo CMS version so something has changed somewhere along the line…

If you preview the layout the marquee scrolls as expected however on the actual Xibo Player when it plays the RSS feed it just shows on the screen without doing anything.

Any ideas?

Bump anyone have any ideas?

Bump again? I realise this is a voluntary forum just would of hoped for some suggestions/advice please… Willing to work with the community to figure out the end cause and could in-turn help others out that may encounter this same problem.

It appears others are now starting to see the same issue (Marquee text not scrolling up or down since update cms 4)

This will be resolved in an upcoming release: Marquee Up: RSS feed widget not scrolling · Issue #3388 · xibosignage/xibo · GitHub

Thanks for posting!

Thanks, Glad this has been identified and is being sorted.

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