RSS feed issues with webOS only


We are struggling with some confusing problems with our webOS devices.

We want to display the first 10 RSS feeds with images from our news provider on our windows and webOS clients. All Windows clients (with different v3 and v4 players) work as expected, but the webOS devices not.
The RSS news update 2-3 times a day with a few new items that should update also on the players.
We do not use v404 anymore because it is not possible to change the player version over cms.

Test environment
CMS version 4.2.0 (we used 4.1.2 on our production server and switched now on the testserver with the never CMS)
2 devices:

  • 49UM5N-HP with webOS 6 (FW-Version 03.70.60)
  • 22SM3G-BJ mit webOS 4 (FW-Version 03.25.80)

3 different RSS Layouts for testing:

  • original RSS feed from XIBO, with image, title, summary, date
  • custom RSS module with extended ArticleCustom.php, RssProvider.php file and custom-rssticker.xml where I added a “category” tag that we need.
  • custom RSS module as template to use it in a playlist to be able to add further widgets, like weather etc.

Display behaviour on the different player versions

  • v403
    only the template layout updates with new feeds. but not original or custom RSS layouts.
  • v405
    feed updates are not displayed. Only the feeds that were downloaded the first time - no new feeds.
    images are not being shown.
  • v406
    no images, but the new feeds are shown
  • v407
    webOS 4 device shows only the first feed and does not show the other 9
    webOS 6 device works as it should, but it does not update when new feeds arrive

I also figured that “purge all” is not working anymore, on none of these player versions.
And through often up- and downgrading I had a situation where I had to set the display back to factory settings to be able to get the layout working. It seemed that the CSS was not loaded on the webOS 6 device.

These are all my results of the analysis. How to achieve something working with that.
We have nearly 400 players and around 10% are webOS devices. I want to get that working.
