RSS Feed is not updating client is 1.7.2 and cms is 1.7.3

Please start with a simple layout with one image on it, then add your other media items until you encounter this problem. That will then show where the problem is coming from.

Okay, Will do. Thanks for the help. I also found out yesterday, that if I go to the xibo library on the client side. Then I found a .htm file and deleted it, after the slide or layout refreshed the Alert was gone. So it seems like the library is not updating or adding and deleting things as it should.

I created a new layout with just a background, then I added another region for a ticker. So, I found a RSS Feed for abc news. I set for a duration of 20 secs, and I scheduled the layout for 1 min. The ticker would refresh after 20 secs, and was still showing up on the client and in the preview layout. The layouts would changed if I scheduled two to show up on the client like they were scheduled to. I also scheduled another ticker to come up for 30 secs, after the first ticker. That change would happen, but the ticker would not go away after I scheduled the duration for 30 secs.

That all sounds correct to me. Perhaps there’s some confusion about the role of the scheduler. It’s there to say when layers are valid to be shown. It isn’t there to dictate the exact slots that any given layout will show. You should read the articles on layout and media duration for clarification

Well I have reinstall everything and I am still having these issues.

Please can you try against a Spring Signage demo CMS? If that works then we narrowed it down to something in your environment.

Unfortunately we’re not really making any progress as each time I come back to you you change lots of things and that makes it nearly impossible to troubleshoot anything effectively

how to a test with a client with the demo

You just hook the Player up to your demo CMS instance

I have connected one of my signs up to your demo server, and I am having the same issue. The RSS ticker will not update and go away as it did in version 1.4.1.

I had a quick look at your demo account.

Is it “not updating” when the feed is empty by any chance?

If so that’s by design. An empty feed is considered an error state and so the cached version is used until a non-empty feed is returned.

If you need the content to change, then you would need to have a feed entry in there when “empty” with no content in it.

The reason it’s like this, is say for example you were pulling a news feed from a news website, and it was on a 12 hour refresh, then in the past, if there was an error pulling the feed on update, you’d get a blank region where the news feed should be for 12 hours until the feed was due to refresh again.

Now we consider that empty response to be an error so it will try and refresh for a feed with actual content each time the ticker is shown.

We have one Region setup on a Layout that is a ticker. What this ticker is a RSS Feed from e2campus. Which we can create a weather alert to be displayed on the signs. We can set the alert to expire say at 11:30, but on the newer version it never expires. The older version it would go away when the alert was set to expire.

I edited my earlier response before you replied. Please check that. This is intended behaviour. The key point is that the feed changes to be empty which means we consider it invalid, so the old valid cached copy is used

So, what would your suggestion as a work around? Can I import a custom java script to force it to go away?

You’d need to make sure that when an alert goes away, there’s always another in there - saying ‘No current alerts’ for example