Repeating Temporary Text Notification


I am trying to display a text notification with marquee left effect on a layout (with image) which will be displayed all day around. The notification will be displayed at the bottom of the layout everyday between 16:30 and 16:45 and then it should disappear.

Any advise about the way that I need to follow is appriciated.


Well I figured it out so I will write it down here.

  1. Create your first layout with a single region with desired resolution then insert your image.
  2. Shcedule it as ‘always’ with Schedule Now.
  3. Create your second layout with single region as a bar form at the bottom of the screen and leave some offset from the buttom.
  4. Insert Text to the region time line and set marquee left from the options tab and set speed. Then set the duration.
  5. Go to Schedule using dashboard and click add event
  6. Select event type as overlay layout, dayparting as Custom and set the start and end time. In my case I chose 2018.04.13 19:55 as start and 2018.04.13 20:10 as end. Then select layout.
  7. From the repeats tab select Repeats daily and put 1 to the Repeat every box. Leave Until empty.