Region Options - Not use Translate References - 1.8.2

Hello, the region options screen is not using translation references.

You mean the top, left, width, height and layer fields in region options?

If that’s the case you seem to be correct about that, other fields ie name, transition, loop are translated.

I had a look at twig for this form and indeed those items are not in trans blocks - I’ll correct that, although while titles for those forms were probably used somewhere else as well (and should therefore be translated), the helpText probably won’t be - as most likely there will not string in the .mo files (yet).

Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

Exactly Peter,

Some items are missing the translation block. Nothing that makes impact, but I’m doing a battery of tests.

The other item I found is in Layout Designer. There is a stock option.
In the translation there is only Action, and in the twig they put an S at the end of the translation.

The problem is that depending on the language is not just include an S that will transform the word into plural.

In my case (in portuguese), see how it would look:


I’ve made a commit for the region options and added missing translation blocks.

Now in layout designer, indeed the ‘s’ character is added after translation block, in which there is just ‘Action’

I definitely agree that depending on the language just adding the ‘s’ will not be correct, as I’m not 100% sure why is it like that, I’ll consult this with Dan.

Edit - as suspected, the ‘s’ should be in the translation block ie the word to translate should be ‘Actions’ I’ve added a commit that fixes that now.