greetings…issue discovered while playing around with xibo

xibo v3 3.3.12
Docker installed on debian 12
using cms_remote-mysql.yml for remote database

i get all images in my cms LABLED RED X. i first noticed it relating to changing library location in the settings area. and once i get the RED X, nothing can reverse it even if i put back old folder location in the field.

I also discovered that, shown your docker containers and starting up also causes the same issue, making all images unreadable with big RED X.

I tested this docker-compose -f cms_remote-mysql.yml down and then up -d on 2 separate servers using remote mysql for xibo docker and i get the same effect, RED X on all images.

I have seen this error posted on google search… @dan , and @natasha please any advise on this matter? looks like using a remote database in xibo has some bugs. after installation, you dont see the default layout that is usually avaible on all xibo installs

using remote mysql, to install xibo 3.3.12, you get an error stating LIBRARY LOCATION NOT WRITEABLE and not matter how much read and write permission you give the whole root folder or the library folder, the error wont go away for you to long in,

my way of getting around this error is…to go into my database and find setting and edit LIBRARY_LOCATION by putting anything in the field (it could be just ., or / or shared) save then i can login to xibo.

It doesnt happen if i were to use docker-compose.yml with the inbuilt mysql 5.7 image for database use for xibo.

please has anyone come across this RED X error and came up with a solution?

What have you set your LIBRARY_LOCATION to?

The LIBRARY_LOCATION should be the fully qualified path to the library, which on a Docker install should be: /var/www/cms/Library/ (please note that the trailing slash is vital). That should then be mapped to a host volume inside the docker-compose file.

my docker is run from a folder outside of the /var/www… so in this case, should i create create the folder /cms/library by sym linking the library folder in my shared folder ?

Thank you. that part of the process is very easy to misunderstood. I just did s symbolic link of my cms folder into the /var/www/html folder and set permission to 777 since 755 nor 775 worked.

I like the v3.3.12 cms better than any of the v4. easy backend and layout editing space. RSS feed widget editor is simple from what i am familiar with in v2. the v4 is good but the cms has too many sub-section / segments.

I wish the v3 had the ability to select a playlist at the media upload section so i can upload a media with start and end date straight to into a playlist for displaying

thank you very much!