May 25, 2021, 1:22pm
Good morning all ,
it is possible to have random playback of mp4 files in a playlist ?
May 25, 2021, 3:07pm
Hi malix. It’s not possible to set random playback for playlist items at the moment, however this is a feature that is being considered for a future release of Xibo CMS. You can see the enhancement report in the link below if you would like to track this feature:
opened 12:45PM - 10 Dec 19 UTC
Add new options to the Sub-Playlist widget:
- a checkbox called "Enable cycle… based playback" with the help text "When cycle based playback is enabled only 1 Widget from this Sub-Playlist will be played each time the Layout is shown. The same Widget will be shown until the "Play count" is achieved."
- a number input called "Play count" with the help text "In cycle based playback, how many plays should each widget have before moving on".
- a checkbox called "Random Widget each cycle" with help text "When enabled a random Widget will be selected at the start of each cycle and shown until its play count has been met."
Player changes to obey cycle based playback and the play count:
- identifying Widgets which are sourced from a Sub-Playlist and treating them as a group
- tracking the play count of each one
- selecting the right widget to show when that widget group starts
- deciding what happens if the region loops
- obey the random widget option
This is closely related to #2437
Many Thanks.
May 25, 2021, 7:37pm
Thank you for your reply,
Hi, @DanBW , @natasha , thank you for this nice change game feature!
But - please tell us how it’s work. How can we set a sub playlist to work random?
In this setup it’s not working(with player 306)