Playlist widget missing, is it possible?


CMS Version

Xibo Digital Signage 3.1.5


An enterprise set two screens on my shop, and i have to use Xibo
I see i can create dynamic playlist for my pictures, but i have no playlist widget visible to insert it on the layout tab.
When i ask the enterprise they say i can’t add playlist with this material. How is it possible ? How can i activate this widget if disabled ?

I did my best to find the answer online but still not clear. Thanks !

Hi, you can check if a Widget is enabled/disabled from the Modules page under the Administration section of the CMS (if you have the correct access rights to view that information). I would go back to the enterprise managing your CMS (which I think is the case) and ask if they can enable or ask them to clarify as to how you should be adding content or managing your playlists.

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