Permission Add Display Code

CMS Version

Xibo Digital Signage - Version 2.3.10


How can i remove the permission that a specific Usergroup dont see at the Displays Page the Add Display (Code) Button they should only see the Displays that assigned to them nothing more.

Hi Marvin,

Welcome to the community!

It is not possible to remove the Add Display button from the Displays page, however any displays that are added need to be authorised by a Super Admin, or a user that has been given permission to view and edit the new display by a Super Admin.

Kind Regards,


Hi Marvin, just to add that in the upcoming v3 of the CMS we have overhauled our current Permissions model to be far more flexible and easier to assign access to areas ‘of need’ for Users/User Groups.
In v3 you are able to enable/disable the Add Displays button via Features!
Take a look at our blog post here that gives you a summary of key features: What’s new in Xibo version 3

Hey Natasha, sounds really good. Do you know when it will officially released for production system?

We are just putting the finishing touches to it and hope to have a release in the very near future. As usual we will make any announcements on our blog and social media :slight_smile:

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