Passwordsecurity for the Player


is it possible to implement the following function in the Player:

If the Player get closed or exit, you need to enter a Password for this. Is the Password wrong, you can not close or exit the Player.

It would be nice if i can have a feedback for this.

Greetings Torsten


Its very tricky to do that reliably and there are kiosk applications that are dedicated to this problem. We’ve always felt that using one of those dedicated applications would be a better experience as they specialise in it.

For example, preventing someone from killing a process is a tricky business indeed (no matter the O/S you’re on).

So that we can discuss it, what Player are you thinking in particular?


Hi dan,

it’s about the Windows Player for Xibo.

hmm its hard to explain, so i try:

We are the State Transport Authority (LBM) in Rheinland-Pfalz/Germany. As a State Authority we need a
high IT-security standart.

So if anybody have access to the PC with Windows where the Xibo-Client is running and end the task, this person have access to the Network, because a User is loged in and you can browse the netshares, have access to the Network, Open a Webbrowser and so on… i think you know what i mean.

Our CISO has the idea, to secure the Xibo-Player with a password is a save posibility, so nobody can end the task an have access to the desktop and more of the PC where the player is running.

I dont know is that possible with Xibo, but i know there are other digital signage productions on the market where the player is secured with a password…

If you have other ideas or options im very grateful to hear about it.

Greetings Torsten

I think anything we do in the application code itself is “fake security”, because if the user has a keyboard plugged in, we cannot prevent them from getting into task manager and ending the process.

It might be interesting to look at Kiosk mode - some details on that here:

I think the current app would already work with Kiosk mode.

Hi dan,

thank you for your assessment. I forward your answer to my CISO.

Greetings from Germany

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