Page and Menu Security


I added a new user and user group, for example testUser-testGroup.Also I changed testGroup’s menu and page security. Page security only layouts √ and menu security only design √. testUser’s user group is testGroup. I think testUser can view only design menu and layouts but it can view all menus. What is the problem ?


So, since you adjusted the permissions only for the group not for the user, then the user have the same permissions as group(s) to which he is assigned.

The (s) in my previous sentence might be important, is it possible that your user is currently a member of more than one group?
When you created that user, it’s highly possible that by default ‘he’ was assigned to the ‘Users’ userGroup which has some default permissions (more permissions than your testGroup).
That would explain what you see.

So please check that on the User groups page, ie check ‘members’ for all the groups (but most likely he is in ‘Users’)

No, the user that is I created is member of only one group (testGroup). While I created this user I selected usergroup and it is testGroup. So he isn’t member of Users.

I can limit menus. testUser that is I created can view only testGroup’s menu but now there is another problem: "There has been an application error. You do not have permission to access this page. " How can I resolve this problem?

Assuming that this user is only one group.
So he will have all the permissions assigned to him but if whole group has more permissions then that user will have it too, basically the highest level of permission is always taken.

Could you please tell on what page do you see this message?

I created new user and then I assigned him a new user group. Also I cleared him in Users’ (default group) members. That is, my new user has only one group. In my new group, I selected Administration, Schedule in Top Nav and I selected User Groups, Users in Administtration. When I logged with my new user, I can see these menus but I clicked on them I saw this message “There has been an application error. You do not have permission to access this page.”

Just to test it I’ve created new user and he is a member of user group that doesn’t have any permissions.

So I gave him the following permissions:

Page security:
Homepage and login (optional - you won’t see ‘access denied’ message after logging in)
Users and Groups

Menu Security, as you said

You shouldn’t see any errors/access denied messages with the above permissions, but if this user is only a ‘user’ user type the he will see every userGroup and only himself on users page.

So you might want to change his type to ‘group admin’ then he will see all members of his group(s).

Super admin user type will of course see everything, but I assume it’s not something that you want.

user type is group admin but after I set page security problem is solved. Thanks

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