One Display - unknown status - but Logged in, License Activated


seem to be fighting with one of my displays. License activated successfully, connection to xibo server good.
Logged in: YES
Status: Unknown Status

can’t seem to send content to it…

Am I having a brain freeze, not sure what I missed… any insight appreciated.


Does this happen to be an Android client running a version previous to 1.7 R55? If so version R55 and higher fixed this problem for us.

Prior to revision 55 we saw this, and could only fix the problem by rebooting the client.

What type of content are you displaying? Do any of the regions overlap?


Thank you. Yes it’s android running 1.7… I will check in the morning for rev number.

I rebooted with same effect and the layout only has 1 region on it with a single image for testing.

I will get back to you shortly


Sounds like you have a single image uploaded and set to display on a single region. However still you do not see anything on the client, and see the status unknown on the displays page of the cms.

What is the file type? Also what are the dimensions and file size? Is the region on the layout full screen? Is any part of the region off the edge of the layout?


Ok, going to get the requested info now…. Will report back shortly.

Just looked at the “request log” of the monitor in question, its splattered with:
4971 2015-10-20 10:18:54 Client Memory Report - GetFullReport Invalid path: /Android/data/
4970 2015-10-20 10:15:04 Client Memory Report - GetFullReport Invalid path: /Android/data/
When I compare to other monitors, I don’t see this message…


Client version: 1.7 r56

What is the type?


Also what are the dimensions and file size?

Small 200x200

Is the region on the layout full screen?

No I shrunk to center of layout

Is any part of the region off the edge of the layout?

Not that I can see

Tried to authenticate license again, and it is now saying my license is expired…

Alex posted this today. You may want to try what he is suggesting, but of course apply this to whatever device you are using.

Other ideas is that you do not have root on the device and the setting for " Use Pubic Storage" option is checked in the setting on the client.

Can you maybe post a screen shot or two (to get the whole thing) of what you see when you click on status.

So… This appeared to fix the issue:
Unlicense and Remove device from cms
Delete data on device via app mgmt
Uninstall 1.7 r56
Re- install 1.7 r56

The device is now behaving correctly and displaying default content.

Not sure what happened, looks like something may have been corrupted during the previous install?


Glad to hear to got it working. Usually what you experienced happens if you cloned or mirrored a device.