Offer more player connection range options

For the original poster (OP) to fill in:


Offer more player connection range options.

Offer more connection range options.

In the player profile options there could be more connection range options.

There we have it, 1 Hour, and then it jumps to 4 Hours.
Then jump to 12 Hours.

They could offer intervals of 2 Hours, 3 Hours, 6 Hours, 8 Hours.

User Story

The interval from 1 to 4 hours and then from 4 to 12 is too long.
not the margin so that we can work with a finer adjustment in a way that suits the needs of different users.

For the dev team to fill in:


The current status and the username of the:

  • Reporter
  • Drafter
  • Implementer


A broad description of the changes required.

Effected Software

Which parts of Xibo are effected

DB Schema Changes

Any necessary DB Schema Changes

With ‘Push Messaging’ function XMR, changes/new schedules/new content etc, are sent instantly to the Player. Docker installations have XMR pre-installed and already configured.

If this does not satisfy your requirement then please do get back to me with further details as to what you would like to achieve, examples of your use case etc.

Thank you

In Manual installation, I believe this does not work.

Then fine-tuning the player’s connections would be helpful.

You will need to create a config.json file as detailed in here: which explains XMR installation for non Docker.

If you are experiencing issues with this then please do let us know.

Thank you

I hope you did not understand.

My xmr is set up correctly.

I’m talking about the connection range of the player.

There are few options. after option 1 hour, comes 4 hours, 12 hours.

Do you realize that he jumps from 1 to 4 hours?

Why not add a custom box that allows the user to choose the period in minutes that he wants to connect instead of offering only those options?

Or increase the options for 1:30h 2:00h 2:30h 4:00h 4:30h and so on?

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