No data in RSS and Weather widgets after player update

CMS is Docker 4.0.9, problem started in 4.0.7 yesterday. Updated to 4.0.9 this morning.

Player for Windows version v4-r402.1

I updated the CMS to v4.0.7 about 2 weeks ago. I set up a new player as a test on a spare Windows PC using the v4-r402.1 player and everything worked great. I recreated a few layouts from scratch, set up a few playlists etc… to learn the new system and all is well. That player is still functioning perfectly.

Yesterday I updated one of our existing players from v3-r305.1 to v4-r402.1. Using the same layout I made for the test machine, the RSS feed and weather widget stopped working right after the update. All other layouts work fine - the layout that has the RSS feed and weather widget shows “No data returned from the source”

The preview looks fine in the CMS, everything loads and I can see the items in the RSS feed and weather widget. The RSS feed is from LibCal, which is a calendar service for public libraries (this is for a library system) which we have used for feeds since our original Xibo years back which was 1.7.9 (or maybe earlier)

CMS Logs are showing: getData: Failed to get data cache for widgetId 6926, e = Cache not ready
Player logs show Run: Exception: Cache not ready


Troubleshooting done so far -

  • Complete uninstall / reinstall of player
  • Verified date / time are correct on player and on server
  • Rebuilt the layout with fresh widgets
  • Moved the player’s content folder to a new folder so everything redownloaded

Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks!

Quick update - I uninstalled v4-r402.1 and reinstalled v3-r305.1 and I’m getting partial functionality. The weather date and temp show up, but no icons. The RSS feed shows up. The fonts etc… aren’t right, but I’m guessing that’s due to the difference between player and CMS.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

This indicates that XTR is not running or one of the tasks is an error state which needs to be reset.

I managed to solve this - it ended up being a permissions problem -

My account is in the administrators group, and I have a few public libraries with regular user accounts. When I set up the displays I give the user account for that location full permissions for that display. In the past I never had to give permission to Administrators, so I could send layouts & campaigns to the displays and they would work normally.

I made the layout that was causing problems and was scheduling it to the display like I had done previously. In order to get the layout working, I originally went into each element & widget and changed the owner to the account that owned that display. Since then I’ve just gone back and added the administrative group to each display and that seems to work too. I haven’t done a great deal of testing or examined the logs or anything as I don’t want to disrupt things during their open hours, but I’m planning on doing some more testing during downtime to see what works best. I have a few more displays I’ll be working on in the coming weeks and will update this when I find out more.

So the solution was to either:

  • Change all element’s & widget’s ownership to the user that has permissions on that display
  • Add the administrator’s group to each display with full permissions.


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