Newer tv version google tv

hi,currently we expanding our company and we need to add a few more tv and we need to buy new tv…but the new tv this day is the google tv one…i dont know if it can support xibo for android or not…has anyone got the experience installing xibo on the google tv?

thank you

Hi @butaw_duck

Welcome to Xibo Community :wink:

For this moment, Xibo Android cannot be installed on Android TV.

We recommend using a screen already compatible with Xibo, LG or Sansung from Digital Signage.

Alternatively, use an Android box, such as the DSDC9X: DSCS9X Android Media Player | Xibo Digital Signage

You can use whatever your preferred method of installing apks is, (adb usb/ethernet) or one of those transfer apks to your device similar to firestick, run the installer and you’re good to go. My particular tv isn’t rooted so you can’t do shell commands, but everything else works well. Player version 404

Hope this helps.


Did you manage to install the Xibo APK on Android TV?
Good news.

Does the player launch when Android boot?

I tried a few years ago, without success.
So I’m going to try again.

Thanks for the feedback @Jon_Knowles :wink:

I’ve not tried installing on a Google tv, just on android tv. I’m not sure if there is a difference or not.

As far as auto launching, if I have the display on an input then it doesn’t launch, but if I leave it on Android TV, then xibo does start soon after the TV boots.

Not many of the SOC can handle two playlists of videos side by side without some kind of negative impact. If it’s a single video, image or html playback is smooth, when multiple videos come up the SOC’s I’ve tried all crap out and give black spaces at the end.

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I have tried it 2 years ago, installing also worked with V3, but performance on the SOC is just really low. We have as default 2 layers where one is the logo of the company. Using 2 layers is already a lot for the soc of the Android TV’s we are using (with DSCS9x).

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im gonna buy 1 sharp android tv to try first. later i give an update for the auto open xibo function

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Sharps are good tvs, pretty much all the SOC’s are designed for a single video playing and most won’t support multiple simultaneous video decoding, or like in the case of the Sony I put in my pic, if they are playing two videos, they can’t pre-render a third and forth so you get the layout background flashes on media changing.

I forgot to update this, but I spoke with Sharp at infocomm, as I’m sure everyone did, and their new commercial models coming out run Android 13, and have 4 x 4k h264 .

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@dan Saw your announcement on Sony Professional Displays. We’re using BZ40L series, which is their flagship model, so results may be different on the cheaper models, but we run them with 2 independent playlists split on the screen mostly videos, but the odd image thrown in. With dual decoders set at device default, surface view on using Android media player instead of Exo. Seamless works well with a single full screen video playback, unfortunately even the XR models struggle with seamless decoding 2 different videos at the same time, if the same length videos play together it is nearly seamless, but there is a black gap since we’re decoding technically 4 streams simultaneously

@Jon_Knowles you’re quite right, two videos displaying at the same fine is generally fine, unless you also want to achieve gapless playback, which requires 4 decoders. In our Bravia SOC documentation we decided to say that gapless playback isn’t possible for this reason (under known limitations).

That’s interesting, and good to see from a security standpoint too.

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