.mp4 Html5 video is not working infinite loop in minix neo

Hi guys,

we have make animation mp4 video for mini neo,
video Duration : 28 second,

My Code Is

we have phasing Problem Html5 video is not working in loop,
It’s Proper working in Browser but not in minix neo,


window onload Html5 video autoplay,
after 28 s it will autoplay in infinite loop,

Please give me right solution for this,

Google specifically disable that kind of functionality in the browser on Android devices.

Either upload the video in to Xibo CMS and use the Video media type to show it, or use the Local Video module which does the same job, but allows you to enter a local path on the device to your movie.mp4 file.

If it must be an HTML5 video item, then you’ll need to attach script to the video html event handlers to detect the end of the video and start it over again.

Thanks alex,

We did it video end event to restart again, my script is working
But video performance is not working proper as per other browser in minix neo,

It’s related to hardware acceleration. You need to use the Xibo provided modules (video or local video) to get best performance.