Missing WIdgets (sometimes)


CMS 4.10.0.

Ive got the following problem… Ive got a layout with Text, a Video, Images, Ticker Widget, WEather Widget and Stock WIdget.

Sometimes it happens that completly all is working and sometimes it happens that all is working but the Ticker and Weather Widget won’t display. At the TIcker it displays “Enter Text…” and at the Weather there is simply nothing. But the Stock is visible.

What could be the reason for this problem happen randomly? It just can work as it should, then there is the default reload and then the two widgets are not working or sometimes just ONE of those two is working.


This is the “No data” message. The default text is Enter Text.... Check if the assigned dataset has data (Library → Datasets) or hit i on the player keyboard (Windows .NET client) to see if there are any errors.

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