Lock regions to prevent accidental move

I found a thread that discussed this (Layout Designer Timeline Improvements), and it sounded like the idea was favorable, but I wasn’t able to find any further discussion on this feature request, and it’s been over a year since it was discussed.

I have a user that will be changing images in a layout (I have adjusted his permissions, and he owns the layout, so he has access to that layout only). The user is capable of this action, but won’t always pay attention to whether he has accidentally moved the region when double clicking on it to change it. Unfortunately, this will inevitably mean that I will end up needing to assist him more often than not. If I could lock those regions he will be altering, I could more easily turn the changes over to him entirely.

Is it still something that may show up? Please consider this my vote for seeing it added as soon as possible. Thank you!

This is already implemented in 1.8.0-beta:

Awesome. I missed that because I went back to 1.7.7 during the leaking memory issue, and haven’t revisited 1.7.8 or 1.8. I will explore that and check into upgrading as soon as feasible.

Thank you so much! Please feel free to close this thread.

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